This is a nice example of a Japanese Army Officer sword in Rinji Seishiki (Special Contingency) mounts - sometimes referred to as Type 1943 or Type 3. It has a beautiful blade with chu-suguha (straight pattern, medium width) hamon and appears flawless. The blade is signed by Seki swordsmith "Katsumasa" and dated December 1943. The saya (scabbard) is likely original to the sword (blade fits perfectly in the saya and the lock mechanism works properly), however the saya appears to have been restored using lacquered rattan which may be a post-war restoration. The Tsuka (hilt) lacks same (ray skin) which is seen with some late-war swords, as Japan was reducing the use of animal skins in sword production late in the war. The tsuka (hilt) features a katate style wrap ("Battle Wrap") consisting of light brown ito (cloth tape) which is consistent with Rinji Seishiki koshirae (mounts).